Orchesis performs at the end of each semester, showcasing approximately 14 student-choreographed pieces. Each show has its own theme, which appears in the interludes (small 1-minute pieces, interspersed throughout the performance). The MaMa Project, a satellite organization of Orchesis, performs once during the spring semester, and is a showcase entirely developed by one student choreographer. Orchesis also offers masterclasses during the fall and spring reading periods before finals!
Orchesis performs at the end of each semester, showcasing approximately 14 student-choreographed pieces. Each show has its own theme, which appears in the interludes (small 1-minute pieces, interspersed throughout the performance). The MaMa Project, a satellite organization of Orchesis, performs once during the spring semester, and is a showcase entirely developed by one student choreographer. Orchesis also offers masterclasses during the fall and spring reading periods before finals!
Instagram/TikTok: @columbiaorchesis
Facebook: Orchesis: A Dance Group